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Josh Packham

BA Product Design

I began designing to solve the problems in my life. I then took that forward and started designing for the benefit of others. I take my design inspiration from current trends and design movements, such as organic design. I hope to continue designing as a career and help more people.

F.R.E.D.s (Flood Reduction Environmental Drainage system)

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As cities become increasingly urbanised, the historic infrastructure they were built upon is waning under pressure. Alongside this, the amount of projected rainfall is set to increase globally in temperate climates where most people live. The catalyst for this project was a wet foot and a flooded road. I explored solutions to stop this happening again.

F.R.E.D.s aims to solve these issues with a new innovative solution. Looking at how existing SuDS (Sustainable Drainage Systems) operate, this product advances the capabilities of the technology. The filter drain inside treats the rainwater in aggregate before letting the water back into the existing water courses.

By allowing filter drains to sit underneath speedbumps, this not only catches run off but also slows traffic and improves the street for pedestrians. This lines up with the governments Manual for Streets and local councils aims to encourage alternatives to driving.

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