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BSc Product Design

Victor Schneuwly

I'm a multinational individual of French, Swiss, and Czech descent. Having studied product design for three years and completed a year-long internship at Skoda Auto, I aim to bring fresh ideas into established domains. I thrive in social environments and love connecting with people.


273513-258542 - N0928759 - Zahra Achda- 28 April, 2024 1007 PM - Achda_Zahra_Trailshare_Co

Amicale the "Friendly" acoustic coffee table transcends conventional design, merging form with function. Rooted in meticulous research on audible and visual perception, it emerges as a harmonious centrepiece for social gatherings. Its beautiful and conventional wood surface invites positive and grounded feelings of nature and warmth. But beneath this wood lies an acoustic experience like no other.

360-degree Sound is made possible through 4 exciter speakers. Music emanates from every angle, enveloping the room and providing a social environment.

App-Controlled Harmony: Friends and guests connect effortlessly via an intuitive app. They share playlists, discover new tracks, and create a communal soundtrack.

Inspired by Tradition: A metallic branded ring at the centre of the table, pays homage to classic acoustic products. It's a nod to heritage; a bridge between past and present.

Beyond aesthetics, the Amicale table serves a practical purpose. For first-time home buyers seeking multifunctional furnishings, it's more than a coffee table. It's a conversation starter, a gathering point, and a testament to thoughtful design. In the heart of a living room, the Amicale Acoustic Coffee Table orchestrates connections; between people, music, and memories. It invites you to linger, sip coffee, and share stories.


"Aeronautically inspired, creatively designed"". Avight is a mood lamp destined for the first-class airport lounge environment. Drawing inspiration from chrome lamps of the 1970s as well as early jet engine design. It is the embodiment of the up-and-coming trend: New retro. Developed with the support of designer Petra Junova at LASVIT lighting company, the lamp has been carefully thought through. An interactive mechanism allows each shade segment of the lamp to be manipulated, giving the user control over light dispersion. The lamp's 3 interactive lamp shades give the lamp a unique visual light profile which can change in just a few turns. Paired with an impressive 300mm dimming bulb the lamp tailors the environment to the user's needs all while illuminating the environment in a sunrise yellow colour. The reflective finish on the inside allows for the light to escape outwards and the brushed finish on the exterior ensures no fingerprints are left behind. The project was inspired by the movie “The Aviator” and followed some of Howard Hughes's design philosophies during the design process. The main source of inspiration from the movie was the H-1 Racer plane.

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